burger days

There's just one thing you need to do today. We know what it is. You know what it is. Do we really need to spell it out for you?

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Our search for more "repeat-worthy" burgers took us to the Southwest Waterfront this past weekend and, we're happy to say, we've found another one we'd hit rewind on.

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Since we totally snubbed our neighbors to the north during National Hamburger Week, this time we're bringing the goods to Maryland.

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National Hamburger Week has come and gone and so has any chance of fitting into our Speedos this summer.

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The concept of brunch is just about the best thing ever. Combining breakfast and lunch into one meal and totally ignoring that whole drinking-before-noon taboo? UH, YES PLEASE.

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In just two days time, National Hamburger Week begins and this year we're bringing you a full seven days' worth of spectacular burgers from the D.C. area's very best joints.

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Come on, just look at this lineup: B Side, Burger Tap & Shake, DCity Smokehouse, Holy Cow, Mad Fox, The Pig and Right Proper. That's some serious burger slinging.

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We began our roll out of National Hamburger Week participants this week with the introduction of two heavy hitters into the mix

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Our first-ever burger collaboration is here as Burger Days and Mad Fox Brewing Company have teamed up to present a chicken and waffle-burger mashup, the Cluck Moo, for Falls Church Restaurant Week.

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Starting today, we're introducing a new feature called Burger Days: DIY, where we'll share some of the crazy, batshit meat monsters we come up with in our kitchen and then let you know how to make it at home.

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Burger Days Turns 5


In 2009, we first set out on our greasy quest to explore the Washington, D.C. landscape in a never-ending search for the area's best burger.

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It's that time of the year again when Shake Shack goes Deutschland on us with brat-topped-burgers, sausages and tall, frosty steins of limited-time booze during their 8th annual Shacktoberfest celebration staring this Friday.

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In less than three weeks, the beef and grease will fly as the Crew descends upon the District for the next installment of our never-ending chronicle of Washington, D.C.'s burger inventory. You better check yo'self, fools, Burger Days VII is going down Saturday, October 5.

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Another year gone by and, once again, the Crew has left a path of greasy destruction in its wake.

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In less than two weeks time, buttons will pop and stitches shall rip when skinny jeans up and down H Street burst at the seams as they fail to contain the rotundness of the Crew.

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Burger Days 5, D.C.'s epic collision of meat and alcohol, was a monumental success as the Crew trekked around the District inhaling beef and boozers with the gusto.

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We thought long and hard about the date for our latest epic burger adventure and, after much deliberation, we decided it was only appropriate to hold the burger day of all burger days on the drinking day of all drinking days. So mark your calendars D.C. burger lovers, BD 5 is on for Saturday, March 17. Yup, St. Patrick's Day.

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We've eaten a lot of burgers this year. And through our legion of ground beef adventures in 2011, we encountered some pretty spectacular burgers. Each member of the Crew was asked to look back at their diary of burger consumption and find the one special creation– that single combination of bread and meat that stood head-and-shoulders above all the rest.

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What better way to bring in 2012 than with some new, beefy burger apparel? Peep our flossiness and get a chance to win an official Burger Days tee.

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Major Update to Burger Days Map


Tripline of Burger Days III


Burger Days III: The Aftermath


Burger Days III
