It's a bit embarrassing it took us this long to hit up Fast Gourmet, the greasy-spoon-in-a-gas-station in the U Street corridor. But we finally did and it was just about everything we hoped it would be.

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As we roll into 2012, the new year kicks off with a new slate of BOTMs, including a brand-new joint's introduction to the lineup of special monthly burgers. Also this month, one burg is only available two days of the week, another hooks up with everybody's favorite Thai hot sauce and, once again, the Food Network star's spot gives D.C. a swift kick to the nuts.

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As we inched closer to the New Year, we checked the numbers and realized we had yet to hit our burger quota for 2011. So naturally, a year-end burger splurge was in order.

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Since we're all about getting as many vices in before the ball drops this Sunday, the news Z-Burger is slinging free burgers tomorrow, Friday Dec. 30, is music to our ears.

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We've eaten a lot of burgers this year. And through our legion of ground beef adventures in 2011, we encountered some pretty spectacular burgers. Each member of the Crew was asked to look back at their diary of burger consumption and find the one special creation– that single combination of bread and meat that stood head-and-shoulders above all the rest.

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