Get At Me Dog: Burger Days VII Hits the Streets October 5
By Jody in burgers, D.C. Burgs with 1 comment Tags: bdvii, black and orange, burger days, dupont, five guys, hot dog days, hot dogs, madhatter, scion restaurant, shake shack, smashburger
In less than three weeks, the beef and grease will fly as the Crew descends upon the District for the next installment of our never-ending chronicle of Washington, D.C.'s burger inventory. You better check yo'self, fools, Burger Days VII is going down Saturday, October 5.
It's been over a year since BDVI: Hipster Burger Days and in that time we've built up a hunger so monumentally insatiable that our usual agenda of all-day-long boozing and burgering just won't be enough. So, in a fruitless attempt at satisfying our endless voids --AKA our stomachs-- we're announcing the biggest mashup since the Tara Reid classic "Sharknado." Get yo' bellies ready for Burger Days VII: Get At Me Dog. On October 5, the meat-on-a-bun tandem of hot dogs and burgers will tag team our faces with a ferocity not seen since The British Bulldogs topped The Dream Team in Wrestlemania II. It's gonna be a meat massacre.
Finding areas to burger it up is easy, but finding a collection of dog slingers is harder than us passing a cholesterol test. After countless hours of research, however, we've come to the decision that DuPont is the premier burger, booze and wiener destination. In addition to possessing one of, if not the highest concentration of burger joints in all of D.C., there are at least four five (Nevin Martell tweets that BGR will start slinging dogs on 9/30) spots in the vicinity which also serve franks. And, it just so happens that BDVII falls on the opening weekend of Shacktoberfest-- Shake Shack's Oktoberfest celebration featuring brats, wurst, beer steins and the pièce de résistance*: a brat-topped burger. Now, ain't that some serendipitous shit?
Never ones to ignore a sign, we're kicking off the day at the DuPont Shack to chow down on all of the above and just about anything else we can get our hands on. From there, we'll continue our orgy of carnivorous consumption down Connecticut Avenue and beyond as we eat and drink our way into greasy obscenity. And since it is Oktoberfest after all, there's a very high probability we'll be donning lederhosen and yodeling through it all. Plus, German slap dances.
Without further delay, feast yer peepers on the lineup for BD VII:
Shake Shack (open 11 a.m. - 12 a.m.) - The jumping point for Burger Days VII featuring all the regular Shake Shack goodness plus Shacktoberfest hotness. Boom.
The Mighty Pint (open 11 a.m. - 3 a.m.) - With a hot dog lineup including items called El Gordo and Mr. Piggie and a burger named The Roadhouse (!?!?), we're not saying it's fate, but yeah, it's fate.
Madhatter (open 10 a.m. - 3 a.m.) - It's been years since we set foot inside this place but their menu has "Mad Dogs" and burgers so we're pretty much obligated to dip in for a bite. We'll just make sure to depart before all the bros invade at sundown.
Five Guys (open 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.) - Normally we wouldn't hit up Five Guys on a Burger Day, but they serve the wieners and this is a Hot Dog Day after all.
BGR The Burger Joint (open 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.) - The Burger Joint will start slinging dogs from their DuPont store on September 30-- perfect timing for BDVII. We'll check them shits out.
Scion Restaurant (open 11:30 a.m. - 11: p.m.) - Easily the nicest joint of the bunch, Scion has been on our to-do list for a while. The burger --a ground Kobe and sirloin mix with smoked mozzarella, sauteed onions, fried pickles and peach ketchup-- is pretty damn unique and destined to be thrown into our faces.
Black & Orange (open 11 a.m. - 5 a.m.) - Will we still be standing at 4 a.m.? If we're even slightly coherent, you'll probably find us chowing down at this late-night burger joint.
Smashburger (open 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.) - With 230 locations nationwide, D.C. just got its first Smashburger last week. It's time to christen the place accordingly. (Also, hot dogs are available in the Kids Meal...just sayin'...)
Aside from Shake Shack, there's no particular order to the above destinations and the list does not include the many boozer pit stops we'll be taking throughout the day. Rest assured, by the end of the night, nobody will be remotely hungry-- or sober.
Like always, our burger adventures are open to everyone and we encourage our readers to join us in our quest to get fat and sloppy. Just be prepared to eat, drink and have a shit-ton of fun. Our disclaimer: "If you do decide to come along, we will welcome you with open, greasy arms, but please don’t expect anything too structured or organized. We will be drinking, eating burgers and engaging in the same off-color commentary you find on this site."
If you can get jiggy with all the above, RSVP on our Facebook page, shoot us an email or click on the Eventbrite thing so we have an idea of how deep our greasy posse will roll. Also, be sure to check out the official Burger Days Survival Guide if you want to make through the day.
Prepare yourself.
* Don't be intimidated by our fancy French talk. We're just cultured, that's all.