beef brief

It's no secret we love the bacon jam. Our obsession dates back to March of last year when we took on a healthy dollop of the stuff with one of Mad Fox's burger specials and each and every time since we've tangled with the sweet, bacony goodness, we've been left wanting more.

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We just couldn't bring ourselves to order the de facto April BOTM from BGR. So instead we present to you BGR's April Burger of the Month, Burger Days style: the Beef Cobb.

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Cheese lovers rejoice-- the Juicy Lucy, the Minnesota-born burger that flips the script and puts the good stuff inside the beef, now has a permanent place on the new menu at Arlington's brgr:shack. And naturally, it warranted a taste test from the Crew.

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During our day-to-day adventures, we plow through so many burgs that we fail to share here at Burger Days. We think that's just wrong. So in an effort to spread more beefy goodness, we introduce Beef Briefs, a short, brief look at more of the burgers we've taken to the face. Today: brgr:shack's Love Shack

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