BEEF BRIEF: brgr:shack’s Juicy Lucy
During our day-to-day adventures, we plow through so many burgs and we fail to share a lot of them here at Burger Days. We think that's just wrong. So in an effort to spread more beefy goodness, we introduce Beef Briefs, short, brief looks at more of the burgers we take to the face.
Where's the beef?
It's right f**king here.

Cheese lovers rejoice-- the Juicy Lucy, the Minnesota-born burger that flips the script and puts the good stuff inside the beef, now has a
permanent place on the new menu at Arlington's brgr:shack. And naturally, it warranted a taste test from the Crew.
brgr:shack's take on the Juicy Lucy goes beyond the simple cheese-in-the-beef norm. In their version, not one, but two cheeses --cheddar and blue-- are stuffed inside a 1/2 pound beef patty and both are then cooked until the cheese transforms into a gooey, oozy mass encapsulated by the beef. The resulting meat and cheese combo is topped with even more cheese, bacon, a mound of deliciously rich caramelized onions, tomato, lettuce and the bun is slathered in Shack sauce.
The resulting cholesterol-friendly* creation is a hefty mound of messy goodness that borders on, but doesn't cross, the line of cheesy overload. Contrary to how it looks in the photo, there
is beef in that mess and you
will be able to taste it. The bacon, on the other hand, gets lost in the mix. With the exception of one or two bites, we couldn't tell it was there.
We're also pleased to report that it appears the cooks have lightened up on the pepper shaker. We lamented our overly seasoned burgers in
last month's Love Shack and while the pepper-to-beef ratio has improved, we still find the burgers here some of the most peppery around.
* yeah, right
brgr:shack | 4125 N. Fairfax Drive | Arlington | | @brgrshack
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