The Fat Frenchman is Decadence on a Butter-Brushed Bun
Each week we think Mad Fox's Travis Weiss has peaked with his creations for Epic Burger Wednesday and
each week he lays down a monstrous masterpiece that
trumps the week before. Today is no different.
Thinking we might finally get through a Hump Day without spiking our cholesterol levels into orbit, the Mad Fox executive chef hits us with this goddamn thing. Be advised – you might want to pop a Lipitor or implant a stent before reading any further.
Available today only, the Fat Frenchman is decadence in a butter-brushed bun. Weiss' signature blend of sirloin, chuck and ribeye is coated in melted Gruyere, slathered in white truffle mayo and topped with
a fat slab of the most creamy, melt-in-your-mouth seared foie gras. This sucker is so rich, eating it will bump you up a tax bracket.
Just be prepared to bring some loot along with your appetite – it'll set you back $22 to dine like a one-percenter. But, holy shit, it's worth it.
Mad Fox Brewing Company | 444 West Broad Street | Falls Church | madfoxbrewing.comLike this:
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