XMas, Shack-a-like & Non-D.C. BOTMs


Let us just say up front, we're freakin' ecstatic November and its damn turkey burgers are over with. As for this month, one burger gets festive, another clones one of our faves and the third? Well, we're still waiting for Mr. Food Network to recognize our hometown.

BGR the Burger Joint

BGR's Xmas Burger

Fresh off their Thanksgiving burger, BGR keeps it seasonal and breaks out the white, red and green Xmas Burger this time. The Yuletide burg hooks up a fat slab of fresh buffalo mozzarella, a ripe, red slice of Beefsteak tomato, some basil and aged balsamic. After the turkey last month, anything with the cow is an improvement, but mozzarella, basil and balsamic? Fuggedaboutit. We're jumping all over this one. Shake of the Month: And what would December be without a little eggnog? This month's shake combines vanilla ice cream, fresh eggnog and a spot of nutmeg. And the bonus? With each Shake of the Month sold, a buck goes to the lung cancer foundation, LUNGevity. Score. 8 Locations in D.C., Maryland and Virginia | bgrtheburgerjoint.com | @bgrburgerjoint



We had to do a double take when we saw the photo of brgr:shack's December BOTM because it looks deliciously similar to our newest D.C. burger crush. And after scanning the contents, it sounds like brgr is hoping to get a capitalize on that Shack fever. For this month's Baby:Brgr, they've shrunk down their patty from 7 to 4.5 ounces, topped it with lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, American Cheese and  ShackSauce Island Sauce and thrown it all on a potato roll. It's got all the parts, so the only question is: can it duplicate the greasy goodness of one of our D.C. faves? You can bet your ass we're going to find out. Shake of the Month: Doubling up with the shakes this month, brgr:shack brings their own version of the nog with the Egg Nogging (vanilla bean ice cream and eggnog) and then goes minty with the Mint Delight (vanilla bean ice cream with peppermint patty crumbles). 4125 N. Fairfax Drive | Arlington | brgrshack.com  |@brgrshack

Bobby's Burger Palace

Pacific Northwest Burger

OK, it's hard for us to get excited about the Burger Palace's new BOTMs when we're still not-so patiently waiting for ol' Bobby to acknowledge the D dot C on his burger menu. I mean, come on Flay, this is month four of your District joint and still no love? (Emails from Burger Days to BBP's PR firm were unanswered The official response? No word yet on a D.C. burg.) And then he rubs it in our faces with yet another regional burger? This month it's the Pacific Northwest Burger with white American cheese, cremini mushrooms and red wine BBQ sauce. Poor form Bob. Poor form. 2121 K Street, NW | DC | bobbysburgerpalace.com | @bobbysburgerpal    

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