Major Update to Burger Days Map

Over 20 potential Burger Days locations have been added to the official Burger Days map, making this the biggest update ever.

The new burger spots were compiled from burger-centric threads on several food forums, Google web/news alerts, area "Best Of" lists, word-of-mouth recommendations and other sources.

The burgers come from all over the DMV (though most are located in the District), spanning from Herndon (Jimmy's Old Town Tavern) out west to all the way up north in Columbia, Md. (Victoria's Gastropub). The joints themselves range from the greasy-spoon dives (Sunshine Service) to the upscale, highfalutin establishments. (Corduroy).

While I'm sure some of these places will fail to measure up to Burger Days standards, someone, somewhere loves these burgers and that makes them all worthy of a visit.

We'll let you know the Burger Days crew's take on these new additions in the near future.

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