Jammin’ On the Bacon
I work directly across from the Mad Fox Brewing Company in Falls Church.
It's awesome.
However, it is a struggle staying on the path to my office when I arrive at the job each day, and doubly so when I leave to go to my car. Each trip takes me right by their front door.
If my belly had its way, I'd perpetually be in that joint, knocking back their quality beers and eating up all their grub. However, my will is strong and I manage to ration out my trips, keeping both my waistline and wallet in check.
Anyway, last Thursday, this post popped up on my Facebook news feed:
I couldn't finish reading the post before the stomach pangs hit. Unfortunately, I didn't see it until after I had left work and was already back at my crib. A sudden sense of melancholy and regret flowed through me as I realized I wouldn't have the chance to experience the glorious combination of ingredients above. (And no, I ain't talkin 'bout no curry rubbed snapper).
Holding out an ounce of hope, however, I made an appeal to @madfoxbrewing on the 'ol Twitter and was informed that the special just might be available the next night.
Huzzah-- the bacon jam would be mine!
Rallying the Burger Days troops, we saddled up to the bar Friday after work, eager to get our hands on the special. While waiting to place our order, I ran into Mad Fox's director Rick Garvin who told me he jumped on a train from New York the previous night so he could get that burger. Damn, this burger had a following.
My previous experience with Mad Fox burgers has been detailed before. (In short: top quality ingredients but overcooked to order.) However, this go round, the burger was very, very good and, by far, the best one I've ordered from Mad Fox.
The burger came to the bar and it was a beaut. The melted cheddar covering the top, was almost infused with the meat. The lightly toasted bun held a perfect-sized leaf of lettuce and a couple of tomato wedges. And there, on top of the cheese, was the piece de resistance and the reason my knees got weak when I first read about the burger:
The bacon jam. The bourbony, bacony, oniony, bacon jam. (bacon)
And it was good. Really good.
The smoky, salty and lightly sweet bacon jam was amazing and immediately shot to the top of my favorite burger condiment list. Yup, I got a list.
The burger itself was still a bit more done than I ordered, but the juiciness was excellent and made up for the lack of color inside the patty.
But the jam, ohhhh the jam was the star of this burger show.
Unfortunately, it's not a permanent fixture on the menu-- last weekend was also Mad Fox's Barleywine Festival and for that occasion they had a full-on pig roast that afforded many a pork-centric special. But if they received as many compliments as I hope they did on the burger, maybe it'll make a return from time to time.
• Mad Fox Brewing Company • 444 West Broad Street, Falls Church • madfoxbrewing.com

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