Get Your Jerry Beads Ready, White Trash Returns with May’s BOTMs
By Jody in burgers, D.C. Burgs, Maryland Burgs, Virginia Burgs with 0 comment Tags: BGR, bobby's burger palace, botm, brgr:shack, dogwood, pulled pork, truffles
This being National Hamburger Month and all, it's only fitting that one of our favorite burgers of last year returns in all its pulled-pork glory as a BOTM. While that alone makes us giddy for the month of May, another joint's spicy, cheesy burg is bringing on the drool as well.

BGR The Burger Joint
What do Jerry Springer and BGR have in common? Only that they serve up some of the finest White Trash ever to be found on this here big green earth. Returning to the BGR stage this month is the pulled pork-burger-coleslaw combo that had us chanting "Jerry!" when we took it to the face last year. Now if they only served it along with some jerry beads... Shake of the Month: It's Peach time on the shake front with a farm fresh peach ice cream shake topped with whipped cream and graham cracker crumbs. 9 Locations in D.C., Maryland and Virginia | | @bgrburgerjoint
Bobby's Burger Palace
Solidifying its spot on our National Burger Week menu, Bobby's Burger Palace is producing a gorgeous little BOTM this month with May's Pimento burg. Hooking up a generous glob of pimento cheese along with bacon and cayenne pepper, we're all about getting this spicy burger into our bellies with the quickness. (If you're not feeling the Pimento, go for a Crunchburger as BBP is donating a $1 to hunger relief charities for each one sold this month.)
2121 K Street, NW | DC | | @bobbysburgerpal
Dogwood Tavern