Return of the Jam



I still haven't been able to stop thinking about the bourbon, onion, bacon jam from Mad Fox's burger special. It was that good. For those of you that didn't get the pleasure of tasting the magical spread during its limited run earlier this month, I truly feel sorry for you. The combination of savory, smoky and sweet set off against the mellowness of the beefy burger is something that needs to be experienced. Now, there's a good chance the jam will make a repeat appearance at the restaurant, but a burger topping this goods needs to be more readily accessible. 'Cause I'm sure not making this stuff on my own. As I was lamenting the fact that my bacon jam fix would be governed by the whims of the Mad Fox chef , I received a message, literally, that could of only been sent from the pork gods above (or wherever they hang out.) Sitting in my email was a message with the subject line: "Bacon Jam. (Yes, You Read That Correctly.)" It was from the online food marketplace, Foodzie, and they're selling it by the jar. Hell yes. Whoever decided to sell this stuff, in packs of three no less, needs a medal. The description says it's "great" on burgers, but if it's anything like the kind I had, it should say it's "f@$%king amazing" on burgers. Whatever way you choose to jam it up, you can't go wrong. They also say it's good on grilled cheese and baked potatoes, and yeah, I buy that. I'd also buy that it's good on pizza or shredded wheat. What the hell-- I'd stick a spoon in the jar and have it for breakfast it's so good... just make sure you keep the Lipitor close by.  

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