Eater Jumps the Gun on Burger Week
Every week is burger week here at Burger Days so this news won't affect our rate of burger consumption, but it definitely piques our interest.
The crew at Eater have determined that next week will be their version of Burger Week and are running a week-long burger lovefest through all of their local sites.
What exactly does Eater DC have planned? We're not entirely sure, as they've been a little skimpy with the deets. So far, all they've promised is burger-related content, contests and prizes. We're hoping they can pull off something similar to what their NYC counterparts are doing and hook up some off-the-menu burgers as well, but we'll have to see if they've got that kinda pull here. (It's not like joints will just up and create a burger for you. Oh wait....)
Can't say we're too excited about a poll determining, "once and for all," D.C.'s best burger because those just turn into popularity contests and never reflect the truth (just see ours).
Anyway, we're on top of it and looking forward to finding out what else they have in store. Once more info is released, we'll pass it on.
We do find the timing of the whole thing a bit curious, however, as it's a full week before National Hamburger Month and three weeks before National Hamburger Week, but whatever, another excuse for burger eating works for us.