BGR’s Strasburger Returns for 1 Day Only

The burger named for Washington Nat's ace Stephen Strasburg is making a return --albeit a rather limited one-- to
BGR The Burger Joint.
The Strasburger will make its comeback for one day, and one day only, tomorrow, Friday, September 30 at all D.C.-area BGRs.
Last year's edition of the burger featured a hot dog, cheddar and 14 pickles-- one for each of his Ks in his debut– on one of their dry-aged patties.
We got Version 1.0 and we're planning a repeat Strasburger run tomorrow afternoon.
Our only question: how many pickles this time around?
We're going with 10 as that's how many Marlins
Strasburg mowed down in his final start of the year yesterday.
BGR's D.C.-area locations include Dupont, Bethesda, Old Town Alexandria, Lee Highway in Arlington, Clarendon, Cabin John and Springfield.
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UPDATE: And 10 pickles it is!
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