Bacon Jam Alert: Boundary Stone Has the Hookup

Whenever a new restaurant opens in the D.C. area, we do a quick scan of their menu to see if it contains any burgers. Most times, they've got the typical burg entry and maybe one or two other variations. If they sound mildly interesting, we may add the spot to our Burger Days map, but rarely does a burger's menu description get us all antsy in our pantsy. However... Today, when checking out the menu at the brand new Boundary Stone, opening tonight on Rhode Island Ave, we were prepared for the same 'ol, same 'ol, but two words caused us to stop in our tracks. Bacon. Jam. The Bloomingdale pub, with a lineup of canned beer and more than 50 whiskeys, has a $10 "bacon burger" on the menu that hooks up aged cheddar with the delicious, sweet, smokey, gelatinous pig candy. And we couldn' t be giddier. Ever since our first run-in with the burger topping to end all burger toppings, we were smitten and have been on a perpetual lookout for the stuff. The new joint has made the BD map and the Crew's burger "to-do" list; we'll report back after we get our jam on. Boundary Stone opens at 5 p.m. tonight at 116 Rhode Island Ave, NW.

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