Did Z-Burger Just Jinx Another D.C. Sports Team? [Here We Go Again] UPDATE: Yep.
UPDATE: Yup. It happened again. In a different --but no less heartbreaking-- manner, the D.C. sports squad with burgers on the line lost. The 'Skins fell to the Seahawks in the playoffs tonight, 24-14, and RGIII left the game with a knee injury. Go buy your own fucking burger.
UPDATE 2: And of course the deal's secret password was "RG3." Of fucking course. Why couldn't it have been Snyder?
The one word that escaped our lips when we saw the email subject in our inbox:
If Washington Beats Seattle This Sunday Get a Burger for 10 Cents on Monday at Z-Burger.
Really Z-Burger? Do we need to go through this all over again? Less than three months after the D.C. burger joint
laid down the jinx on the Nats, they're at it again, this time focusing their greasy curse on the 'Skins.
However, we are holding out hope that perhaps this D.C. playoff series will not end in the same heartbreaking fashion as the last. For rather than prognosticating a win from the hometown boys like they did in October ("
Free Burgers WHEN the Nats win the ALDS"), Z-Burger instead takes the much more cautious --and we hope less jinxy-- route and declares the burger deal a go
IF Washington beats Seattle on Sunday. While we're still mighty wary of counting chickens, or in this case burgers, early, we're cautiously optimistic this go 'round.
In any case,
IF the Redskins trump the Seahawks, the Tenleytown, Columbia Heights and Southwest Z-Burgers will serve up 10-cent burgers with the password "RG3" on Monday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
And if they lose? Well then God help Z-Burger.
Z-Burger | 4321 Wisconsin Ave NW | 11041 4th St SW | 3301 14th Street NW | DC | zburger.comLike this:
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