Our Next Favorite Burger Debuts Today at Red Apron Burger Bar


The Standard makes its debut at Red Apron Burger Bar in Dupont today.

Today, the man behind ingenious meat medleys like foie gras bologna, fennel and lemon salami, spiced pho-braised pig head and – not to mention – the creator of one of D.C.'s best burgers, pulls back the curtain on his latest project: Red Apron Burger Bar. Meat mastermind Nate Anda is opening what's soon to be our latest favorite hangout in the former location of GBD in Dupont Circle. We shed many a greasy tear when the home of fried-chicken-and-doughnut sandwiches shuttered last summer but we're more than happy to soak them up with a new slate of tasty burgers. And while our favorite Red Apron creation, The Original, won't be available at Burger Bar, there's a new signature stack poised to fill the void. "It's old school," Anda tell us of The Standard, which stacks one or two flat top-griddled patties (NOTE: pick two, always pick two) with white American cheese, pickles, shaved red onion and a play on Bull-Dog tonkatsu sauce fattened up a bit with Duke's mayo, all on a challah bun. Opting for the double stack means six ounces* of Anda's stellar whole animal blend of beef, sporting a hefty 75-25 fat-to-lean mix. "It's a really beefy burger," he grins.
The Double Vision stacks pimento cheese, bacon and tomato jam together with six ounces of beef.

The Double Vision stacks pimento cheese, bacon and tomato jam together with six ounces of beef.

Joining The Standard on the menu is the pimento-bacon-and-tomato jam lovefest known as Double Vision (it's the same one currently available at EarBar in Barracks Row), the chorizo-pattied El Jefe dressed up with smoked chimichurri, avocado, pickled red onions and sour cream and Anda's cotechino burger makes a triumphant return as the Piggyback, stacked up with provolone, broccoli rabe and tomato aioli. On the non-four-legged animal front, a chicken sandwich and a veggie burger will be in the mix.  Anda tells us the menu won't change much over time but he is considering running a monthly burger special. When it comes to sides – rejoice spud lovers – Anda's aged beef-fat fries (AKA the best fries in D.C.) make the Burger Bar lineup along with hot dogs. Yep, that's right, hot dogs. Diners will be able to get a smaller version of Red Apron's "haute" dog to snack on with their burgers. And because nothing helps wash down beef better than booze, there will be plenty of that here, too. Neighborhood Restaurant Group beer director Greg Engert will curate a rotating selection of 18 drafts, with a special focus on hard-to-find Virginia brewers. Red Apron Burger Bar opens at 11 a.m. today, Jan. 12, at 1323 Connecticut Avenue in Dupont. *About those patty sizes – this isn't that read-the-find-print, pre-cooked weight scam you might find at other burger joints. Anda tells us he and his team worked had to make sure the patties tip the scale at that weight after they come off the griddle. 

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