Burger Days’ 2014 Burgers of the Year

BLT Steak's American Kobe Hamburger
BLT Steak | 1625 I Street NW | DC | bltsteak.com
Jody (@burgerdays) says: Lace up those shiny shoes and strap on the cummerbunds – the best burger I put in my face all year is some swanky-ass shit.
Now, don't ask me what I was doing inside BLT Steak, but while there – trying my hardest not to class down the joint – I indulged in one of the finest meat and bun creations I've enjoyed during my lifetime of burger inhalation. The American Kobe Hamburger is the most expensive burger in all of D.C. and while it's hard to justify dropping almost 30 bucks on any sandwich, it helps when someone else is buying (Thanks, Mark).
Maybe it's because of the guys in the kitchen or maybe it's because this thing is made from fancy cows, but each and every bite I took of this burger created a party in my mouth and, very nearly, in my pants. The half-pound, fat-heavy mix of Wagyu, blanketed in completely-melted cheddar (like ALL burger cheese should be), was seasoned to perfection. They fucking nailed it.* And if BLT Steak's meat and cheese on a toasted buttered bun was all it was, it'd still be one of the best I ate all year. But because this is such an expensive burger, there damn well better be more to it. Well, there is, and the final two components make it some next-level shit.
Slight pressure on the top bun unleashes a gushy wave of yellow, spreading over the top of the patty and pouring down its sides. A fried egg makes every burger better and here is no exception as its runny inclusion infiltrates every nook and cranny, unifying the top and the bottom in a gooey puddle of yolk-y cohesion. And lastly, providing a noble, yet woefully inadequate shield for the bottom bun, is a slab of pastrami. The salty strip of meat would be a pleasure to eat on its own but here it excels, playing wonderfully with the richer Wagyu patty. Its location under the beef does its best to save the stability of the whole egg-drenched creation but it's no match for the onslaught of yolk and burger juices. Oh well, just bust out more napkins.
I'm not gonna lie – a $27 burger is a hard thing to swallow. But BLT Steak's near-perfect execution makes it a hell of a lot easier.
*I don't know how many times this year I sat down to a perfectly cooked burger, thrown together with top-notch ingredients, only to find a barely seasoned disc of blandness lurking inside. It's fucking infuriating and makes me want to punch something.
Other Notable 2014 Burgs: America Eats Tavern's Blue Cheese Burger, Shelly's Back Room's Stuffed Mack Burger
Jody's Past BOTYs: 2013 - Red Apron's Original; 2012- 2941's All American Burger; 2011- Shake Shack's Double ShackBurger
Gypsy Soul's Gypsy Soul Burger
Gypsy Soul | 8296 Glass Alley | Fairfax | gypsysoul-va.com
Matt (@yaysaps) says: This one came out of nowhere. I’d been meaning to check out Gypsy Soul in Mosaic District since it opened but, until last month, this was just another unchecked box on my ever growing “to do” list. Sure, you’d think having a brand new restaurant from James Beard award-winning chef RJ Cooper open up a few short miles from my front door would jump toward the top of my list, but I’ve been busy procreating and raising the future generation of burger enthusiasts, so lay off me already. Truth be told, I wasn’t even sure I was going to order a burger - everything on the menu looked awesome, and since I’d been meaning to hit the place up for such a long time, I thought, “maybe I should save the burger for another time?” Yeah, I know, life is full of difficult decisions. Fortunately our bartender was able to offer some pointed advice at just the right time. “Get the burger…then add bacon…then add cheddar…then add an egg.” Yes…yes…yes...and oh HELL YES. What arrived was a farm-to-table masterpiece. Dual patties made up of a righteous blend of chuck, brisket and short rib, with grilled pickled sweet onions, chow chow, green tomato compote shallot aioli and a chiffonade of romaine lettuce (the condiments change with the season). Oh, then topped with cave-aged cheddar, a cage-free pasture-raised hen egg and thick slices of smoky Benton’s bacon. If all that sounds like a lot...it is. The burger is huge, both in size and in flavor - and while there is a lot going on, everything comes together in one beautifully sloppy burger eating experience. By the end of the meal I was sopping up every salty, savory, creamy, sweet, juicy, runny, glorious remnant from my plate. That a restaurant with such a rich pedigree can proudly serve such a magnificently messy meal is a real testament to just how much the food comes first at Gypsy Soul. Definitely the best burger I ate in 2014. Other Notable 2014 Burgs: B Side's Italian Beef Burger Matt's Past BOTYs: 2013 - BTS' Tatanka; 2012- Granville Moore's Sunrise Burger; 2011- Stoney's Texas BurgerHoly Cow's Hot Mess
Holy Cow | 2312 Mt. Vernon Avenue | Alexandria | holycowdelray.com
Duke Grocery's Proper Burger
Duke's Grocery | 1513 17th Street. NW | DC | dukesgrocery.com
Rustico's Three Little Pigs
Rustico |827 Slaters Lane| Alexandria | 4075 Wilson Boulevard | Arlington | rusticorestaurant.com
Jeb (@jebgavin) says: I get asked with some regularity which is the best burger. It's always either within a time period or in a geographic area. I'll give an honest answer when asked, and I'll listen politely to someone tell me I'm wrong, as though I didn't know this was entirely subjective and they don't know I had a degree in aesthetic philosophy and also write burger reviews all the damn time. But when asked about the best burgers of this year, I've been dragging my feet, hesitant to put into words what I know to be true: this year has been a let down. Not saying I haven't had a few good ones. Not saying some of the burgers I've tried this year weren't inventive. But I've eaten more poorly thought-out, pun-named burgers this year than any year before. I've eaten In-n-Out and a dozen fast food clones of In-n-Out and found every one of them wanting. I'm not saying I need foie on a burger, covered in gold flake, sous vide in butter, made of someone's sacred animal, but if we're talking best burger of the year, I can't say I had one. Good burgers, sure, the occasional interesting burger, fine. But nothing I'd call the best. This whole year has run the gamut from near misses to cartoonishly big hay makers that were never going to connect, to well-made burgers topped with fresh lettuce, crisp onions, secret sauce, and nothing of consequence. And I don't want to bash well-made burgers. Bourbon Steak's regular old burger is a damn fine burger. Of the one's I ate in LA this past summer over the Fourth of July weekend, Grill 'Em All in Alhambra really impressed me. Even some of the Burgers of the Month were decent. But nothing hit that mix of execution and innovation that made me say, "this is the best burger I've eaten all year." Now tell me I'm wrong so we can start the cycle all over again.
*In an effort to introduce you to D.C's new and different exceptional burgers, we do not consider previous years' BOTY winners.
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