BTS Brings Brunch to National Burger Week for Mother’s Day

The concept of brunch is just about the best thing ever. Combining breakfast and lunch into one meal and totally ignoring that whole drinking-before-noon taboo*? UH, YES PLEASE.
Burger Tap & Shake kicks off
National Hamburger Week with a nod to the alcohol-laced weekend meal and combines the brunch staple eggs Benedict with the greatest Mother's Day gift one can give: a burger.
What's not to love? Griddled Canadian bacon, hollandaise and a runny egg...AND THOSE ARE JUST THE TOPPINGS! All of the above is tossed on a beef patty covered in melty American cheese, sandwiched between two luscious brioche buns and there's the
Mom's Day Burger.
Boom. The perfect Mother's Day achieved. (And you wanted to take her someplace fancy. Pshaw.)
Pair it with one BTS's boozy milkshakes and – for better or worse – we guarantee the whole family will be talking about this one for years.
Or, you know, you could just eat the burger yourself because it tastes good.
Your call.
(Whatever you choose, just make sure you get to BTS and eat this thing ASAP; it's available TODAY ONLY.)
BONUS: Snap a photo while taking any National Hamburger Week burger to the dome and you could find yourself looking fly and well-fed for the foreseeable future. Whoever takes our favorite Burger Week pic will win an official Burger Days National Hamburger Week t-shirt (it’s so damn pretty) plus FREE BURGERS!! in the form of gift cards to some of the week’s participating burger slingers. For a chance to take home the goods, share the photos on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #7days7burgers, tag us (@burgerdays) and wait for the pay off. Eating burgers and winning stuff. Seriously, how great is that?
Burger Tap & Shake | 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW | DC |
*which we oftentimes ignore on non-brunch days as well...don't judge.Like this:
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