BGR Starts Slinging the Beef at Tysons Today (Oh And the Snooki Burger Returns Too)
By Jody in burgers, D.C. Burgs, Virginia Burgs with 1 comment Tags: BGR, jersey shore, mo burgers, snooki, tysons

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In other BGR news, in celebration of the creation of another generation of fake tans and binge drinking, BGR is bringing back the Snooki burger. Yup, she finally popped the kid out. And if you still have an appetite after hearing that news, BGR 's Jersey Shore-inspired Snooki burger is topped with fresh-grilled jalapeno, a slice of Philadelphia brand cream cheese and mojo sauce. And there will be a "baby" slider version of the thing too. Snooki and her offspring's burger are available at all BGR locations and will be served now through September 30. BGR The Burger Joint | 11 Locations in D.C., Maryland and Virginia | | @bgrburgerjoint
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